Traffic Calming Request

Recently a group of transportation committee members from Butchers Hill, Upper Fells Point Improvement Association, and Fells Prospect met with Ethan Hasiuk from Councilman Cohen’s office to discuss shared interest in traffic calming. Our conversations resulted in a request to Baltimore City Department of Transportation to, over the next few years, make changes to our traffic infrastructure to slow cars and make our neighborhoods safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. Knowing that there is a separate process underway for the bike lane on Wolfe and/or Washington, we didn’t include those streets in our request. The request can be accessed in a Felt map and was accompanied by a corresponding query as to whether the following timeline is feasible. We are awaiting DOT’s response.

  • Phase 1 projects installed by July 1, 2023 (all-way stop conversions)

  • Phase 2 projects installed by December 1, 2023 (We understand that the RRFB [rectangular rapid flashing beacon] are dependent on grant funding – we are exploring grants at the neighborhood level and hope that DOT will explore grants as well)

  • Phase 3 projects installed by December 1, 2024

Posted by Beth Braun on behalf of the Transportation Committee


June 2021, Letter from the President